Respect (the) Russian River
Championing the restoration of the river and its vast watershed
Consider the Russian River. Flowing from its headwaters in Mendocino County and winding 110 miles through redwoods and vineyards to the Pacific Ocean in Jenner, the river has always been an integral feature of the North Coast.

"The river has always been an integral feature of the North Coast"
Known by Pomo, Miwok and Wappo tribes as “the east water place” for 10,000 years before the arrival of Europeans, the Russian River (so named for the Russian fur trappers who once colonized the area) is critical habitat for threatened coho salmon, river otters, osprey, and harbor seals. Coastal fog flows up the river valley to cool riverfront towns and caresses the Pinot Noir and Chardonnay grapes that derive their signature flavors from this wine-friendly environment. It’s also a beloved destination for campers, kayakers, anglers, swimmers and rope-swingers. Given it’s a water source for riverfront towns and thirsty wineries, the river and the wildlife that call it home bear the impacts of pollution. Trash clogs its banks. Fertilizer and effluent degrade its water quality and fish habitat.

"The river and the wildlife that call it home bear the impacts of pollution"
The good news is that Russian River Confluence is championing the restoration of the river and its vast watershed with their Respect Russian River initiative. The nonprofit organization serves as a powerful convening force of like-minded river protectors working to revitalize this critical North Bay waterway for the benefit of all who love it and the creatures that call it home. By partnering with Russian River Keeper, the Laguna Foundation, Kendall Jackson Winery, Dutton-Goldfield Winery, and other folks who understand the value and beauty of the river, Respect Russian River is driving community action towards a regenerative watershed that is healthy and accessible so that it can continue to be the economic, environmental, recreational and spiritual heart of the region.

"Respect Russian River calls on you to show your respect as well"
Respect Russian River calls on you to show your respect as well. You can do the obvious like keeping trash out of the river, or volunteering for clean-up days and supporting businesses that are doing right by the river that gives us so much. Show the Russian River the respect it deserves.
"Russian River Respect creates awareness of key issues, strengthens residents and visitor pride in the river, and provides pathways for engagement in protecting and restoring this vital resource. This campaign creates a channel to bring stakeholders together to learn about and support programs that strengthen the health of the Russian River watershed. This not only includes the river itself but the local communities that depend on a healthy watershed."